Thursday, May 19, 2011

India July 2010

In July 2010 it was time for a holiday, after I finished and defended my master thesis and could call myself Master in Supply Chain Management.
I really needed a holiday, and decided that India were the right place to go since, I were sure the weather would be good. In Denmark that is not a given eventhough it is July. This time the trip would go to Armritsar, Dharamasala and sightseeing in Delhi.
I had wanted to see the Golden Temple for some time, and finally I had time. It was a beautiful as I had imagined, and the ambience at the temple grounds were fantastic. I am that kind of a person that just like to be in temples, churches and mosks. Even though I have been brought up in a christian socierty, In my family we have never gone to church every sunday or just once in a while. Unless there are special occasions like weddings, babtishmes, Christmas or something like that. But the special feeling there are in a temple, church or mosk facinates me. The fact that it is a holy place to someone els gives the place a special meaning. I like to hear, read talk aout other religions, to broaden my view. Because I feel this way I always try to see a lot of different religious places when I am travelling. The Golden temple was no different, and then up top of the it is just so pretty. I would like to go again, since I were only there during the day. It could be great to go there sometime around sunrise and sunset. Below you can find a few pictures from the Golden Temple.

The day after we went to the Indian/Pakistan border, where there every night is a show. When we got there, there were different entrences for men, women and foreginers. To go into the foreigner section the security want to see your passport, so it is a good idea to take this when going there. And also carry as few things with you as possible, because it is mandatory to leave your bag outside. I were glad that I wore pants where I could put what I had of value in my bag into my pockets. Sometimes it pays off to travel light when going to see things in India, because you can be asked to not bring your bag/purse inside. Here are a few pictures from the show.

There were so many people that it were hard to get pictures without other people bloking the view. But these 3 pictures are some of the best ones I have from that day. I like the second one it really gives an idea about how packed the "stadium" were. Before getting to the actual "stadium" there were several security checks, where men and woman had to be in different lines. In situations like this I would sometimes wish that I were able to speak and understand some hindi. But it is never a real problem, since you can just do what the other women are doing and then it always works out. :-)
After a few great days in Armritsar the trip headed with a taxi to Dharamasala, home to the Tibetan exile government and the Dalai Lama. We arrived the day before his birthday and were able to go into the temple and look at all of the decorations and preparations that had been made for the celebrations the following day. It was all very beautiful.

We stayed in Dharamasala for a few days, enjoyed the weather and the sights. I am a very big fan of the Indian hill stations, and have been lucky enough to visit a few of them. Here are a few pictures from the area.

We also went to see a waterfall in the area, this is a few pictures from the walk there and the waterfall.

After the days in the north we headed back to New Delhi. Here I got to see of few of the ights that I did not see during my first real sightseeing trip in Delhi in August 2008. I also got to see the Lotus Temple inside this time, along with the Humayun's Tomb and the Indian Parliament.

To finish off this post I want to share some of the great mountain view pictures I took during the trip to the north.

This was the end of my holliday and I went back home.

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