Thursday, February 24, 2011


During the 3½ months I lived in Calcutta, I went to the city to see the sights on several occations, but I did not want to write a post for each time. So this one will summarize some of the things I have seen in Calcutta.
One of the first weekends we were at campus some of us took a trip to the flower market and then to Part street to have lunch. Here are a few pictures from the flower market.

Since it took almost 1 hour to drive to the city from campus, me and the French girl I went to Darjeeling and Sikkim with decided to find a hotel in the city and stay there a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. During this time we went to see Victoria Memorial. It was very fun to walk around both inside and outside, today the inside are used as a museum where they have a lot of old paintings and photos of the city.
This is a few pictures of Victoriw Memorial.

During my time in Calcutta, I became a big fan of visiting the markets around the city, like New Market. The first few times I went there it was very overwhelming, because the salesmen are running around trying to get you to go to theie store or some specific store where that have a deal with the owner, that they get a small fee if they can get customers to come to the store. But after a couple of visits I got use to it, and it did not borther me anymore. I took it as a part of my Indian adventure. These pictures are all taken outside New Market.

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